B.F. no18 | sterling silver, fine silver, nickel silver 2.8x2.8x30cm 2021
It starts with a big plan.
The basic frame is formed by analyzing the usage and form of norigae. It is then patiently decorated with modernity and aesthetics.
The mounting pile of broken paper and modeling. Beyond the moment requiring choices and concentration…
The step awaiting is the time of labor…
Shin-Ryeong Kim (1976~ )
Jewelry Artist
Assistant professor Soongeui Women’s College
Instagram: @shinryeong_kim
2004 M.F.A in Metals & Jewelry. Kookmin Univ. Seoul Korea
Exhibitions, Collection, Awards, Activities
2013 Emotional Geometry, culture space YANG, Jeju-do Korea(Solo)
2011 IN+OUT=FLAT, craft ahwon, Seoul Korea(Solo)
2008 Illusion, Gallery Kwanhoon, Seoul Korea(Solo)